This page showcases my skills and achievements for placement/internship opportunities. I'm Prashant Kumar , a talented candidate eager to contribute to your success. Thank you for considering my profile!

Projects Showcase

Welcome to my world of extraordinary creations! Explore the captivating showcase of my imagination brought to life. Join me, Prashant Kumar, as I proudly present an awe-inspiring collection of projects crafted with passion and innovation.


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Classroom Bucket - React

Dashboard With Google Login - Dummy Data API

As part of an internship hiring assignment, I have created a dashboard using React.js. The dashboard features a sign-in page that provides basic authentication using Google. Users have the option to log in or sign up using their Google accounts.

Classroom Bucket - React

Classroom Bucket - React

The development of a cutting-edge dashboard is currently underway using ReactJs. This innovative dashboard is a modernized iteration of a previous project, which can be found at (


DANL Freelancing - Frontend

Embarked upon as an engaging freelancing endeavor, this project catered to the unique requirements of a valued client. Crafted with a blend of HTML, CSS, JS, SCSS, and AJAX, this creation effortlessly adapts to diverse screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Calculator - React

This captivating React calculator, born from a learning journey, features a 3D UI, animated mathematical operations, and temporary data storage. Users can seamlessly switch between real-time calculations and exploring the enchanting history of their inputs.


Task Manager - JavaScript

Javascript Task Organizer - University Projects - You can Create, Edit and Delete Notes. The data's are saved on LocalStorage using JavaScript.


Task Manager - JavaScript

This weather app is a solo project that combines Node.js, EJS, and MongoDB to create a comprehensive and interactive platform. It leverages various technologies and APIs to deliver accurate weather information to users.


Classroom Bucket - PHP (Active Users)

Classroom Bucket is an interactive online platform where educational institutions can seamlessly share study materials with their students. It facilitates collaborative learning by allowing students to upload their own hand-written notes, projects, and other course-related materials to support and assist their peers.


Diligent Creator - PHP (Active Users)

Craft your professional resume and portfolio webpages effortlessly. Connect with industry peers through the Add Team/Friend feature. Showcase your skills and experience with Profile Pic or PDF CV uploads. Build your online presence with Diligent Creator.

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Diligent Creator Dashboard - PHP (Active Users)

Experience the empowering dashboard of Diligent Creator, where you can seamlessly manage and track your professional details. From captivating profile images to team collaboration, it's your platform for success. Customize your online presence and showcase your skills with ease. Diligent Creator: Unleash your potential.

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RP Alloys - Frontend

Crafted with a blend of HTML, CSS, JS, and SCSS, this elegant project boasts a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to diverse screen sizes. With simple animations, its sleek and sophisticated frontend enhances the user experience, creating an engaging and visually appealing interface.
